It Is Written Resources for Pentecost 2025

Pentecost 2025 is a North American Division initiative inviting Seventh-day Adventist churches in North America to collectively hold 3,000 or more proclamation evangelistic events throughout the year 2025. As an approved training ministry for Pentecost 2025, It Is Written is thrilled to offer several resources for pastors, churches, and individual lay members.

“Pentecost 2025 is a fantastic opportunity for churches and groups to reach their communities for Christ,” said John Bradshaw, It Is Written president. “It Is Written is drawing on decades of experience in public proclamation to provide resources to enable any church or group to conduct a successful, high-impact series of presentations. We have learned that it’s the small things that are often the difference between an effective and an ineffective evangelistic program. Our team has pulled together everything from sermons and slides to comprehensive training that will help churches and church members unlock their potential to do a great work for God.”

Preparing for Pentecost Livestream Webinar Events 

Mark your calendar for November 23 and December 14! We will broadcast two special evangelism training events live from the It Is Written studios. Further details will be released soon.

Online Course

A multi-part online evangelism training course will be launched on November 23 during the livestream event. Learn from experienced pastors including John Bradshaw, Eric Flickinger, Wes Peppers, Doug Na’a, and other special guests. Gain all the tools you need to be equipped for your Pentecost 2025 event! Certification through the North American Division, It Is Written, and Southern Adventist University will be made available for each course completed. 

ReCharge Training

Our annual ReCharge training will be held in person January 12–15 near Baltimore, Maryland. We are dedicating this year’s ReCharge specifically to topics relevant to Pentecost 2025. Benefit from expert instruction by It Is Written trainers and special guest speakers on key topics like increasing Bible study interests, effective preaching, preparing for and conducting proclamation events, visitation, gaining decisions, baptismal preparation, discipleship, and more! This event will also be livestreamed for those who cannot attend in person. Visit for more details and registration.

SALT Baltimore

Prepare your church and community for Pentecost 2025 by attending SALT, the It Is Written evangelism training program. Learn and grow with other committed students through practical, Bible-based classes and put this knowledge into practice through hands-on outreach. Plus, receive a Bible instructor certificate upon completion of the program! The SALT program will be held February 1–March 1, 2025, in Baltimore, Maryland. Find out more information and register by January 19 at

Evangelism Resources

We are offering a number of resources for every stage of Pentecost 2025, including sharing books, Bible study mailers, printed Bible studies, and more. “One especially effective and easy-to-use resource is our Bible study mailers,” said Pastor Bradshaw. “Our mega mailer currently averages around 9 to 10 Bible study requests per thousand, which is a phenomenal rate. They’re inexpensive, can be mailed in bulk, and are virtually guaranteed to provide you with people who want to study the Bible. Every church should do it.”

These resources will help your church or small group before, during, and after your event. Visit to get started. 

Online Bible Studies

Our online Bible studies are the perfect tool for reaching your friends and family as you prepare for your Pentecost 2025 event. Choose from adult, children’s, or health Bible studies. Complete online in English or Spanish at

Revelation Today: Hope for Humanity in 2025

Pastor John Bradshaw and Dr. G. Alexander Bryant (North American Division president) will co-preach a Revelation series from October 3 to November 1, 2025, from Baltimore, Maryland. This high-impact series will be broadcast across the North American Division on It Is Written TV and other major channels. As you plan your proclamation event, consider making your church or small group a host site for this exciting series. 

“I know how much people want to reach their communities with the gospel,” said Pastor Bradshaw. “We’re in a unique position to help anyone present Jesus and the Bible message for these times in the most effective way possible.”

For more information, contact us at 888-664-5573 or [email protected].

Mission Alive in Alaska

Evangelism changes lives. As the Word of God is presented, hearts are touched by Jesus’ love and sacrifice. The power of God pierces through the darkness of this world to break the chains of sin and set people free. Such was the experience during our spring campaign in Alaska.

The Alaska Conference partnered with It Is Written to reach their territory with the gospel in the largest evangelistic initiative in Alaska’s history. Over the course of a year and a half, planning, training, and pre-work took place in multiple churches and communities. Pastors and local elders learned church growth principles that brought revitalization to their churches. More than 200 requests for Bible studies were received in Anchorage as people expressed interest in response to our It Is Written Mega Mailer. 

In March, a mission team from all over the continental United States provided free medical and dental clinics in Anchorage and Bethel Village. Bethel is the largest rural town in Alaska, and the help was much needed. Addiction, mental illness, and emotional health are some of the key issues community members face on a daily basis. No amount of snow or freezing cold could stop our team as they provided help to more than 400 people in clinics that included medical care, dentistry, physical therapy, mental health counseling, health education, and complete eye exams, which provided 300 pairs of prescription eyeglasses. 

Each day, the churches in Anchorage and Bethel were humming with the sound of people finding healing and hope. “I can’t believe all of you would come to Alaska, spending your own money, just to help us in this way. I’ve been treated like royalty here, and I want to know more about your church,” said Delores, a local Alaskan who came to the clinic. “It has really moved me and given me a different picture than what I have believed about God. Thank you!” Each attendee was given a pocketbook about the hope found in the Bible, a Bible study invitation card, an It Is Written TV card, and a flier for the evangelistic meetings. About 175 additional people requested Bible studies from the clinics! 

Our mission team prepared the way for Revelation Today: Hope for Humanity, an evangelistic series by Pastors John Bradshaw and Wes Peppers. The series was hosted live in Anchorage from April to May and streamed to more than 15 churches and small groups across the state. More than 1,000 guests attended across Alaska, most of which were at the main Anchorage site. 

“I have not heard such things in all my life. This is the truth. This is truly the hope of Jesus,” commented Olin. “I recently moved here from New England, but I didn’t really know why. Now I know. God brought me across the country to learn these truths!” Olin was a Sunday-believing pastor who learned the truth of the Sabbath for the first time. “I will share this with my congregation, and I know that many will accept it.” He was baptized into the church at the end of the series. 

Another story is about a 92-year-old Native American woman named Irene who had lived in Alaska all her life. She was raised with a mix of traditional Native spiritual beliefs and Catholic influence. She could never reconcile Jesus through it all until she attended Revelation Today: Hope for Humanity. “I have laid aside all spiritualistic beliefs and embraced Jesus and Him fully,” Irene said. “He is my life. I give my whole heart and life to Him.” For the first time in her life, Irene was baptized by immersion at 92 years old! Many more similar stories could be told. 

The impact of this series on Alaska was immediate. There were more baptisms from this series than the conference typically has in one year! This testifies to the hunger many are experiencing everywhere for a hope that is real and lasting. That hope is Jesus. Sixty precious souls have found that hope, and the impact of this initiative will add countless more for months and years to come. Alaska was an exciting endeavor that has impacted eternity, and It Is Written is grateful to be used by God on the front lines of mission and evangelism across the globe. Please join us on an upcoming mission trip and pray for us as we move forward in faith. Thank you!

It Is Written Wins 14 Telly Awards

Telly Awards banner showing an award and the number of awards won

With gratitude, It Is Written announces that it has won 14 Telly Awards this year. The awards received by It Is Written highlight the organization’s versatility and excellence in media production, with several programs receiving multiple awards. 

Three programs of the six-part series on the seven churches of Revelation were recognized, as well as a Christmas program focusing on the history of the song “A Blessed Little Christmas.” A program on the woman of Revelation 12 and a look at the history of the Underground Railroad round out the list.

The Telly Awards honor excellence in video and television across all screens. 

John Bradshaw, president of It Is Written, said, “We are blessed and humbled to have been honored at the 2024 Telly Awards. While this is a recognition of the commitment and professionalism of our ministry team, it is also an acknowledgment of the quality of the programming being produced and of the value of the message we are sharing with the world. We are especially grateful for our extended ministry family. These awards speak to the vision of those who give so kindly and pray so fervently to see the gospel going to the world. By God’s grace, we are communicating Jesus to the world.”

View the award-winning programs below by clicking on their titles or images.

The Seven Churches of Revelation Pergamos thumbnail

“The Seven Churches of Revelation: Pergamos”

Gold – Videography & Cinematography

Gold – Religion & Spirituality

Bronze – Editing 

The Seven Churches of Revelation Series The Seven Churches of Revelation: Ephesus Thumbnail

Silver – History

“The Seven Churches of Revelation: Ephesus”

Silver – Videography & Cinematography

Silver – Religion & Spirituality

“A Blessed Little Christmas”"A Blessed Little Christmas" over a music sheet

Gold – Religion & Spirituality

Silver – Writing

Silver – Editing

Silver – Videography & Cinematography

“A Mother at War” "A Mother at War" over desert sands with part of a woman showing

Silver – Writing

Silver – Religion & Spirituality

“Midnight to Dawn”

Silver – Editing

Silver – Videography & Cinematography"Midnight to Dawn" beside a woman praying in front of a lake

It Is Written is an award-winning media evangelism ministry that has been sharing the everlasting gospel worldwide for nearly 70 years. The first religious television program to broadcast in color, It Is Written is also the tenth-longest-running television program in the United States.¹ It Is Written impacts lives for Christ through television, social media, websites and mobile apps, global evangelistic ministry, and faith-sharing resources. 


Escrito Está Celebrates 30th Anniversary

On May 1, It Is Written staff celebrated the occasion. Here, Pastor Robert Costa and Carolina Bonilla, Escrito Está coordinator, express their gratitude to God and the staff for their support.

Escrito Está, the Spanish-language ministry of It Is Written, marks 30 years of ministry this year. Created to reach the Spanish-speaking world, Escrito Está filmed its first program on April 5, 1994, with Dr. Milton Peverini as host. Peverini, who for many years had been a leader in media evangelism, worked with It Is Written to produce Spanish programs and songs, which began airing on cable channels in 1995 in the United States. In the fall of 1996, Escrito Está debuted nationwide in Chile to a phenomenal response, and other countries quickly followed as the quality and message of this Spanish-language programming touched thousands of lives. Today, Escrito Está ministers around the world through not only television and the internet but also evangelism and humanitarian work.

Pastor Robert Costa prepares to cut the anniversary cake.

Robert Costa joined the fast-growing ministry in 2002 to coordinate evangelism campaigns, taking over from Peverini as speaker/director in 2006. “The 30th anniversary is a special occasion when we remember that God has led us so far,” Pastor Costa said. “Thirty years is a real miracle, but the greatest of miracles are those hearts that are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. For 30 years, God has used Escrito Está to be part of His mission around the world.”

Escrito Está is currently the most widely aired Spanish-language television program of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The ministry’s original focus was reaching the Latino population in North America, but that focus quickly expanded to the rest of the world. Today, Escrito Está has a prominent presence on national television stations in several Latin American countries. A major television network in a populous South American country airs no religious programming, except for Escrito Está. When Escrito Está was aired in one Central American country, the owner of the channel was so impressed with the programming that he expanded our broadcast to be nationwide and increased it from once a week to twice a week—at no extra charge. The resulting increase in Bible study interests meant the church had to employ additional staff to process the requests!

“Media has no limits, and the gospel has no barriers,” Pastor Costa said. “So far, we have viewers from 142 countries. As the Bible says, this gospel will be preached to all nations, all languages, all people. I’m so glad that Escrito Está and It Is Written are part of the fulfillment of this prophecy.”

In addition to its flagship program, Escrito Está produces two other ongoing programs and conducts about 15 evangelism campaigns worldwide every year, resulting in thousands of baptisms annually. Additionally, Pastor Costa participates in camp meetings, rallies, and evangelism training for pastors and lay members. Meetings are held in venues of all sizes, from small churches to stadiums, where the messages are live-streamed across the country. In some countries, Pastor Costa joins a caravan, where he preaches every night in a different city.

Over the years, God has reached people at every level of society through the ministry of Escrito Está: government leaders, pastors from other denominations, television personalities, people living in the Amazon jungle, and even those in hard-to-reach places like China and Muslim countries. An Orthodox priest has been listening to Escrito Está for nine years and is now in the process of being baptized! Pastor Costa and his team are faithful to present the truth, and the Holy Spirit moves hearts in response. 

Pastor Costa believes that it is the clear presentation of the full message of the Bible that appeals to so many people. “We are committed to presenting the whole message—not just motivational talks, but the whole prophetic, doctrinal, Christ-centered message,” he said. “We learned that when we are committed to doing that, God is more interested than anyone else that everyone will be saved, and He will open doors.”

The global ministry of Escrito Está is made possible by a dedicated team. “I have never served alongside a harder-working group of people as our Escrito Está team,” said John Bradshaw, It Is Written president. “Their whole-hearted commitment to giving people the opportunity to be ready for the return of Jesus inspires and encourages me.”

Throughout the years, Escrito Está has also participated in humanitarian projects to facilitate evangelism in remote locations. In 2008, a boat was donated to evangelize the Uros people living on the floating islands in Lake Titicaca in Peru. Bicycles and motorcycles were also given to pastors in Peru needing transportation to reach their church members and Bible study contacts. In 2021, water filters were presented to families in Guatemala, and solar-powered radios were donated to the Kekchi community, enabling them to listen to Christian programming in their native language.  

Escrito Está is an integral part of the ministry of It Is Written. “I honestly find it difficult to express the depth of my appreciation for Escrito Está,” said Pastor Bradshaw. “Our Spanish-language programs have a vast global audience. Escrito Está evangelism has brought thousands upon thousands of people to faith in Jesus and into the church. People from all walks of life have been won as the Holy Spirit has worked through Robert’s ministry with Escrito Está. His relentless commitment to sharing Christ with others continues to make a major impact. I thank God for what He has done—and continues to do—through Escrito Está.”

Every year, Escrito Está produces 72 half-hour programs (Escrito Está and Lecciones de Vida) and 365 daily devotionals (Toda Palabra). These programs are seen worldwide on television, YouTube, and other social media channels. As a result, an average of 1,100 new subscribers join the Escrito Está YouTube channel every month.

During his time with Escrito Está, Pastor Costa has participated in 510 evangelistic series throughout North America, Latin America, and Europe. In addition to filming television programs this year, Pastor Costa will conduct evangelism in Colombia, Spain, Bolivia, El Salvador, Puerto Rico, and Argentina. In the United States, his agenda includes Maryland, Indiana, New Mexico, New York, California, Illinois, and Pennsylvania. 

“As we look forward to Jesus’s soon return,” Pastor Costa said, “It’s great to be part of the final movement to tell the whole story to the whole world.”

Thank you for praying for the ministry of Escrito Está. To watch programs or learn more about Escrito Está, visit

In Cali, Colombia, Pastor Robert Costa connects with a woman who came forward for the appeal.

It Is Written Mourns Beloved Staff Member

With deep regret, It Is Written announces that Jocelyn Anderson, associate director of development, has passed away. Jocelyn died unexpectedly on Monday, April 8, 2024.

Jocelyn joined It Is Written in 2014 and was a beloved member of the It Is Written team. During her tenure at the ministry, she was extensively involved in the planning and leading of important initiatives such as Partnership, monthly letters to It Is Written supporters, and overall donor relations. Her dedication to the ministry is unparalleled. She will be greatly missed.

“This is a difficult time for our ministry team,” said Pastor John Bradshaw, It Is Written president. “Jocelyn was greatly loved. She was a wonderful person and an absolute joy to be around. She genuinely loved people, which is what made her perfect for her role at It Is Written. While struggling to come to terms with what has happened, we have been remembering who Jocelyn was: fun, gracious, generous, and committed to her faith in God. We miss her immensely, but we look forward to seeing her again soon. As Revelation 22:20 says, ‘Even so, come, Lord Jesus.’”

Prayers are requested for the It Is Written team and Jocelyn’s family as they mourn their loss. A memorial service will be held at 5:00 p.m. EDT on Saturday, April 13, at the Collegedale Community Church in Collegedale, Tennessee.

It Is Written Announces New VBS Program Flight 3:16

It Is Written announces a new travel-themed Vacation Bible School (VBS) program, Flight 3:16. During Flight 3:16, children will visit five countries as they prepare for the ultimate destination, Heaven. Flight 3:16 is a complete VBS kit that includes supplies for 14 children. Visit for more information. 

Melissa Bradshaw, children’s ministries director for It Is Written, created Flight 3:16 in response to the need for a specific VBS program. “Many people have used Buried Treasure, our child evangelism program, as a VBS,” she said. “But after being approached by a local church wanting to host their first VBS, I knew it was time to develop an idea I had been thinking of for some time.”

Flight 3:16 guides children through five foundational Bible topics outlined in the My Place With Jesus Bible Guides. Each day of Flight 3:16, children will learn a new memory verse, made easy through fun Scripture songs. Games, crafts, and snacks are designed to continue teaching daily Bible lessons. Not only will children learn about God’s ultimate plan through His Word, but they’ll also learn about the world they live in as they travel virtually to five different countries on five separate continents.

“Everyone is painfully aware of the challenges children face today,” said John Bradshaw, It Is Written president. “They’re being bombarded with harmful content everywhere they turn. It’s important to give children a clear picture of Jesus and help them see that God’s way isn’t only a good way—and the right way—but it’s also the way that will bring them more joy and help them get the most out of life.”

Stored in a fun and convenient suitcase box, this VBS kit includes all instructions and supplies needed to host 14 children: 4 children, ages 4-6, and 10 children, ages 7-12. Additional supplies are available for purchase from

“Each time we have held Flight 3:16, children and families absolutely love it,” said Melissa. “My hope is to see children everywhere grow their relationship with Jesus through Flight 3:16.”

Flight 3:16 is created by My Place With Jesus, an It Is Written ministry. Learn more about Flight 3:16 by visiting or calling 888-664-5573.

It Is Written Conducts Alaska Evangelism and Mission Trip

This spring, It Is Written will conduct a mission trip and evangelistic campaign in Alaska, culminating in the Revelation Today: Hope for Humanity series. At the end of March, a mission team of 70 volunteers will serve in Anchorage, the largest city in Alaska, and Bethel, the largest rural community. The evangelistic series begins April 5. The events are held in partnership with the Adventist Medical Evangelism Network (AMEN) and the Alaska Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

John Bradshaw, It Is Written president, shared his excitement for the campaign, stating, “It Is Written exists for the purpose of sharing the gospel. We’re thrilled to be collaborating with the churches in Alaska. We have met many pastors and church members who are enthusiastic about what is taking place. The two mission teams are going to do a great work for God, and we are trusting that the evangelistic meetings will reach many souls with the message for this time.”

The Revelation Today: Hope for Humanity series, to be held from April 5 to May 4, will be a Christ-centered Bible prophecy series led by John Bradshaw and Wes Peppers, It Is Written evangelism director. Eight churches in Anchorage are working together to host the series, with a livestream being offered to more churches across the state.

In preparation for the series, It Is Written has held training events for local churches, teaching pastors and members how to effectively reach their community. “We’ve been helping to shape the culture there for mission and evangelism for more than a year,” said Peppers. “The evangelistic meetings are the culmination of that. As a result of our long-term training, the churches will be better equipped to continue the work that’s been started.” 

The Revelation Today campaign will follow a large-scale mission effort in Anchorage and Bethel to offer free medical, vision, and dental care to the community. “AMEN has a well-established clinical process but wanted to scale up its evangelistic efforts. We’ve been wanting to increase our medical footprint, so this was a natural partnership,” said Peppers. 

The Anchorage clinic will offer medical, vision, and dental care. The Bethel clinic will also offer medical care, but will primarily focus on mental health, including consultations, depression and anxiety education, and professional counseling. Each clinic visitor will be invited to attend the series and receive Bible studies.

Next year, It Is Written will conduct evangelism in the Columbia Union. If you are interested in having It Is Written partner with your conference or union to do large-scale evangelism, please call the evangelism department at 423-362-5822.

The mission team poses for a picture.

It Is Written Wins 11 Telly Awards

It is with gratitude that It Is Written announces it has won 11 Telly awards this year for various programs. Two gold awards were presented to Escrito Está, our Spanish-language ministry, in recognition of its exceptional contributions to spiritual broadcasting and editing. It Is Written programs “The Hero” and “Great Characters of the Bible: Solomon” were both honored with silver and bronze awards in the Television Craft category, among others.

In addition, silver and bronze awards were given to “Dancing with the Devil,” a recent It Is Written program that examines the deceptions of Satan and features a captivating interview with a woman who spent years immersed in the occult. Richard Ramont, It Is Written media production director, said, “We were particularly excited that what our team produced for [this] episode, ‘Dancing With the Devil,’ was recognized in competition with top studios in the U.S. and international spheres.”

Although the accolades are appreciated, It Is Written remains focused on sharing Jesus. “As a ministry, we don’t set out to win awards,” said John Bradshaw, It Is Written president. “But we do our best to make high-quality Bible teaching programs. We’re thankful our programs are seen around the world, and that people come to a saving relationship with Jesus through the work we do. From one end of the ministry to another, we have a group of dedicated people who are giving their all to communicate the everlasting gospel. Receiving these awards shows our ministry team is striving to give people the best opportunity to know and understand the message of the Bible.”

The Telly Awards honor excellence in video and television across all screens and saw a record-breaking year, receiving nearly 13,000 entries from top video and television content producers across the globe. It Is Written has won 58 Telly Awards since 2011, when John Bradshaw became president.

Here is a breakdown of awards received for each video. See the award categories below and a link to each program. 

“Escrito Está”

Gold—Social Video Craft, Editing 

Gold—Non-Broadcast General, Religion/Spirituality 

Watch: Escrito Está Partnership Report video


“Great Characters of the Bible: Solomon”

Silver—Television Craft, Motion Graphics/Design

Bronze—Television Craft, Visual Effects 


“Dancing With the Devil”

Silver—Television Craft, Videography/Cinematography

Bronze—Television Craft, Editing


“The Hero”

Silver—Television Craft, Writing

Bronze—Television Craft, Videography/Cinematography


“Do You Believe in Miracles?” 

Silver—Television General, Religious/Spiritual


“Running the Race” 

Silver—Television Craft, Writing


“Not Guilty” 

Bronze—Television Craft, Videography/Cinematography

Corn Island Commission

Sharing the gospel in Nicaragua

Corn Island, Nicaragua, is home to about 7,500 people. The people of Corn Island, largely isolated, are kind and welcoming. And they need to hear the gospel message. So it was that 26 people, including 15 young people mostly from Highland Academy in Tennessee, found themselves on this small island in the Caribbean. 

The It Is Written mission team spent almost two weeks in early February ministering to these wonderful people. The team, led by It Is Written missions coordinator Jack Phillips and Jon D’Avanzo of Nica Ministries, used a multi-faceted approach. There were evangelistic meetings held each evening in three locations; a medical clinic that treated more than 200 people; a school building project; radio broadcasting; and distribution of humanitarian aid.

Morning worship on the veranda

Upon arrival, the team quickly settled into tropical life. Mornings started with a wonderful breakfast of rice, beans, papaya, and other island fare made by the excellent hotel staff. Meals were eaten on the open-air veranda overlooking the boat harbor. The veranda proved to be the perfect place to worship together and exchange experiences of the day.

After breakfast, it was off to various ministry endeavors. The building project, medical clinic, radio broadcasts, and humanitarian projects were on the daily schedule with the bulk of the team working on building a 200-student school to serve the island. Every brick laid brought the opening of the school one step closer to reality. Hundreds of young people will learn about Jesus there, providing a ripple effect into the community.

Due to the heat and humidity, the team ceased work by lunch. Afternoons provided a chance to experience the culture of the island, whether a bus tour, going to the beach, or an off-shore excursion. Besides providing great memories, these outings afforded the opportunity to get better acquainted with the locals.

After dinner, it was time for the meetings. They were held in three different outdoor locations on the island, with an estimated 250 people in attendance. Bible workers, sponsored by It Is Written, had worked in the community weeks before the meetings, so there were already some people on the path to giving their hearts to Jesus. Over 20 people have been baptized as a result of the meetings. In fact, the local churches were so excited about doing evangelism that they have since done another series and will be doing another one this July!

Jack Phillips, second from right, walks out of the ocean with some newly baptized members.

The largest church on Corn Island is located on the beach, so on Sabbath as soon as the service was over, everyone walked out the front door and onto the beach to witness 10 baptisms right in the ocean! Jack Phillips, who co-officiated, remarks, “The baptisms in the ocean will forever be a highlight for me.”

Things don’t always go smoothly on mission trips, as Satan is always on the attack. Upon arrival, all of our projectors were confiscated by customs. But, praise God, we were able to get two of them back! Our permission to hold a medical clinic was revoked upon arrival. But, praise God, the mayor of the island worked to get it reinstated! It rained frequently and often during our meetings. But, praise God, the people wouldn’t leave. In fact, even more came! Dr. Gordon Guild, who ran the medical clinic, says, “God wins, the devil loses!”

God worked on this trip in ways that we didn’t plan. Will Labrenz, the chaplain of Highland Academy, recounts an interesting story: “During our morning worship time on the veranda, often 

Dr. Gordon Guild examines a patient as students look on.

other customers were nearby witnessing our worship and praise songs. One morning, a couple from Germany, being professed Buddhists, stopped me to ask if being a Christian made a positive difference in my life. I shared that Jesus gives my life peace and purpose and explained that is why our mission team was here. Upon further discussion, I offered them a Steps to Christ if they would be willing to read it. They accepted!”

Locals weren’t the only ones who were affected by the mission trip. “This trip was such a life changing experience,” says Adriel Garcia, a student at Highland Academy. “The people’s love for God and their kindness to us inspires me to be more like that. I pray every day for the people of Corn Island and their relationship with Jesus. I hope to see them again soon.”

The mission team

Spiritual Life & Death

Can the dead be in two places?

As a child raised in the Catholic church, I served for many years as an altar boy, an assistant to the priest during the mass. As an altar boy, I attended many funerals, and it was those funerals that started me in an entirely new direction in life.

During funeral services held in our local church, the priest would invariably say something such as, “We can rejoice today because our beloved friend is now in the presence of God in heaven.” Such words are calculated to encourage, and they often do. But those same words also create a lot of confusion.

A little later as the body of the deceased was slowly lowered into a grave at the local cemetery, the same priest would say something very much like, “And now we commit our loved one to the grave, where he/she will rest peacefully until the day our Lord returns, and the dead in Christ shall rise.”

I may only have been a young child, but I was old enough to smell a rat. Minutes before, the deceased was in the presence of God in heaven. But now, that same individual was resting in a grave awaiting the resurrection. How could the same dead person be in two places at once?

The answer is, of course, that such a thing is not possible. While only a child who had read little of the Bible, I wasn’t exactly sure of the answer to my question. But I knew one thing for sure. The dead couldn’t possibly die and go directly to heaven. What, exactly, would go to heaven? And if my suspicions were accurate, praying to dead saints was therefore unreasonable, as the saints themselves were dead and not able to hear or answer the prayers of a single soul.

When I finally learned that the dead sleep until the return of Jesus, it was less of an “Aha!” moment, and more of a “Well, of course” moment. Some things are obvious. Sleep in death was one of them. And if death was a sleep, purgatory couldn’t possibly exist, no one could possibly be in hell at the present time, and the church I had been part of my entire life had sold me a bill of goods.

But faith in God is not simply a matter of being right. Numerous people have been right—or close to right—theologically and have been on the wrong side of the leading of the Holy Spirit. It’s important to know that the dead sleep. When you do, myriad errors and lies are avoided: the dead do not visit the living; Halloween is a ghastly celebration of spiritualism; houses are not “haunted” by departed spirits; seances are invitations for demons to trouble and misdirect lives; the Virgin Mary has not appeared to anyone, ever, anywhere…and so on. 

But there’s a greater truth than any I’ve yet mentioned.

When Jesus visited the home of Mary and Martha following the death of their brother, Lazarus, Martha gave evidence of several things that she, to her credit, knew. She knew that Jesus had the power to save Lazarus from death. She knew there would be a resurrection, believing Lazarus would “rise again in the resurrection at the last day” (John 11:24). But there was something she, or maybe others nearby, needed to know.

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live’” (John 11:25). This is the greatest truth in the constellation of truths clustered around the subject of death and the resurrection. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Possessing Jesus is the difference between eternal life and eternal death. As John wrote, “He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life” (1 John 5:12). 

Faith in Jesus is simply that. Faith in Jesus. The key factor in the plan of salvation is not the possession of an idea, but the possession of a Person, that Person being Jesus. The weakest saint may, by faith, have Jesus, and the Savior that called Lazarus from his dusty bed is able to bring spiritual life out of spiritual death.

We possess the truth about Jesus, and we should. But possessing Jesus Himself is the real difference. He is the resurrection and the life. The dead will be resurrected because they lived in faith in Him. The living have the assurance of everlasting life for the same reason.

Let Jesus be the resurrection and the life for you.